We’re approaching the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice.  The sun is setting earlier and rising later. The edges of the dawn have been soft and subtle byalmooreforesquirewith the most beautiful filter of clouds.

A new morning ritual has emerged the last few weeks:  I go into my office to begin the day’s work and first open the blinds so that I can witness the glorious pinks and soft greys of the dawn and the rising sun.  I light a candle (or two) and say a prayer of gratitude.  Then I do a short reading of something inspirational while my computer boots – sometimes a little Rumi, sometimes a piece by Mark Nepo, and sometimes it’s a piece of writing a friend or colleague has sent me that I’ve printed the previous day in order to soak in their wisdom.

This simple act has transformed the energy of my entire day and though my writing volume hasn’t increased, I am experiencing unprecedented moments of clarity.

This is the power that rituals can bring to your world.

And it’s a good time to mention my annual ritual of choosing three words to serve as a guide and focus for the year.

Years ago, darling, I gave up thoughts of resolutions in favor of choosing a theme for my year.  In 2010, it was a single word – faith.  Most years, though, I choose three words, allowing a beautiful triangle of words to frame the focus for my year.

So, why give up resolutions?

You see, darling, when we make resolutions to fix what is “wrong” with us  buy into the “fact” that by doing so, then everything else in our lives will fall into place.  It’s time to let go of the if-then theory of transformation.  You know, the “if I lose 50 pounds…if I met Prince Charming…if I wrote the great American novel…. Then LIFE would be perfect”.

More often than not, it gets people picking at every little thing they perceive as wrong.

Because attempting to change our reality by focusing on what we fear is no way to bring transformation, let alone does focusing on fear in any way deepen love.

“Broken” brings to mind shattered dishes and chipped figurines.  And we fix these things with super glue and duct tape and permanent markers.

I’ve come to understand that no one is broken. 

Why would we call your soul broken? It’s a vibrant essence of you, not a figurine that needs super glue.

Personally, I don’t want to wallow around in the failures and fears nor do I wish to live my life focusing on what is wrong with me.   And, baby, I have that same wish for you.

Life is precious and our time on this earth is limited.  As you embrace life, allow your words to guide you as you make decisions and take actions.  It gives you something to focus on from a place of positivity.  That’s much better than a big old bottle of super glue.

Besides, what is that we Southern Belle’s would say?   “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”?

Now, if you’re feeling less-than-clear on your focus, how about letting the “Create Your 2013 Compass” ebook help guide you along your path?  It’s free for subscribers to my newsletter.  (If you are already a subscriber and want a fresh copy, just let me know and I’ll send it along to you.)

Create Your Compass includes a Personal Values exercise, an exercise for choosing how you want to feel, as well as an exercise for taking action.  You may choose to do the workbook as a whole and choose three words – a value, a feeling, and an action – to serve as your 2013 focus.

Or simply choose a single exercise to find your one word.

My triangle of words reached full clarity last week and I’m already feeling the shift in my energy.  I promise to share them with you on January 1st.

Like the Winter Solstice is the signal from nature that it is beginning the cycle of life and death – of dormancy so that the earth can be reborn anew in spring, the upcoming flip of the calendar page into a new year signals a time of universal rebooting of goals and intentions for our individual and corporate lives.

Allow a ritual of choosing a focus for the coming year to bring you clarity and so many ways to fall in love with your life bit by beautiful bit.

As for you, darling:  I’d love to hear that you are feeling an energy shift and loads of clarity.  So, fess up, babycakes: What are your words for 2013?  If you haven’t found them yet, What can I do to help?

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