With busy lives due to parenting, work, relationships, cooking, and other daily tasks, it can be easy to forget or procrastinate yard work. Dreary tasks like mowing, trimming, or watering plants can be draining, and it’s hard to find the time to keep up curb appeal when you have more critical chores and stresses to worry about. Daily living doesn’t have to interfere with the appearance of your yard. There are ways to make landscaping and yard routines simple, stress-free, and quick. You can take your yard from overwhelming to under control with a few simple changes.

One – Ditch the Grass

Grass may be the standard for most homes, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re not passionate about grassy lawns, you can replace them with many materials such as mulch, rocks, sand, or even fake AstroTurf. You can also mix materials to add curb appeal, such as a mulched yard with pebble paths. Mulch reduces the prevalence of weeds, too. You can also switch to alternative flora like clover to minimize the maintenance and mowing required without removing the natural plant look entirely.

Two – Or, Make Lawn Care Easier

If you love the look of a green lawn, you don’t have to eliminate it to make yard work easier. There are great ways to keep your lawn but reduce the work it takes to maintain it. You may want to invest in a new mower. When searching for a lawn mower for sale, you should ensure it’s cordless to avoid struggling with a tangled cord during a mow. An electric mower will also reduce the hassle of refueling and keep a supply of gas on hand—all you’ll have to do is charge your electric mower. A mulching mower will release the cut grass blades back onto the lawn to compost for grass growth. If weeding annoys you, a stand-up weeder can help you remove pesky weeds without hurting your back or requiring much effort.

Three – Install Sprinklers with Timers

Remembering to water your plants or grass can be a pain. It’s also inconvenient to unwind a hose and manually water everything. Sprinklers can take care of that for you. Once they’re connected to the water supply and power, all you have to do is press a button, and your entire yard is watered. You can install smart sprinklers or timers to water for a set amount without worrying about turning them off. You can invest in automatic winding hoses to eliminate the need to manually roll up your hoses when you’re finished with them.

Four – Hire Landscapers

If you’ve got the budget for it, hiring landscapers is a great way to reduce the effort you put into your yard. Professionals have the tools and experience to give your yard a fresh makeover and maintain it with no effort on your part. It may save you money to DIY, but if you’re busy or stressed, paying someone else has a lot of perks.

Five – Pace Yourself

You’re more likely to feel overwhelmed with yard work if you try to tackle massive landscaping projects all in one day. Trying to finish everything in one day may seem tempting, but pacing yourself can give you more stamina to do the job. Take your time! Focus on one task at a time during your free time. Create a schedule for yard tasks. Making time to relax and enjoy your time away from work is also essential.

Six – Organize Your Tools

A cluttered shed or garage can be too intimidating to sort through, reducing your likeliness to complete yard work. Hang up your tools when you’re finished with them. Put large equipment in its proper place. Consider buying additional storage if your space is too cluttered. Organized tools are easier to find, making the landscaping process quicker and more efficient.

Seven – Use Garden Carts

Garden carts are mobile storage options for gardeners to haul heavy items such as equipment, soil, or mulch without putting strain on the body. Wheelbarrows are typical examples of garden carts. Lifting heavy objects can cause injury and reduce your energy for actual yardwork. Garden carts can eliminate excess energy usage and provide a convenient storage space while you work.

Eight – Relax with Garden Benches

Gardening and yard work require a lot of standing, walking, crouching, and kneeling, effectively tiring you out and putting stress on your joints. Garden benches are portable seats that allow you to sit while gardening instead of crouching or kneeling. Garden benches also give you a relaxation space to take a break without leaving your work area, promoting healthy breaks without work abandonment.


Yard work doesn’t have to be constant labor with no breaks or quick fixes. You can eliminate grass to reduce mowing and maintenance. Alternatively, you can make lawn maintenance easier with cordless, mulching, and electric lawnmower features. Garden benches, standing tools, and carts can reduce the strain from bending over, crouching, and lifting heavy equipment. Timed irrigation can help you schedule lawn care effortlessly. There’s also nothing wrong with hiring landscapers to reduce your burden.

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