Are you overwhelmed with work? No matter what you do to pay the bills, there are all times we are less than thrilled about our work. I know I’m not the only one that has gone for weeks or months feeling like I’ll never get everything done. No matter where...
One of the most important commodities in your life is your relationships. Let’s be honest: “busy” has become the new black. It’s not unusual for a client to tell me she doesn’t feel connected to her partner, and in the next breath tell me...
Do you scroll through social media wishing you had the perfect life that Instagram Influencer shows? Does dealing with the other PTA moms make you wish you had their great bodies? Or desire the ways in which their lives seem easier? What you’re dealing with is...
So, you’re having a bad day. Or maybe a crappy week. Or maybe experiencing a series of days upon days of a funky blue feeling you just can’t shake. And you’re tired of it, so tired of your heart hurting and general malaise. So tired of that sense of ennui and...
It’s been more than a decade since I went through my divorce and during that time I’ve forgotten how tough life felt. It all came flooding back to me when I started coaching a woman who was smack-dab in the middle of a divorce. The stress, the worry, the feelings of...
When it comes to making changes in your life, it’s important to not just get started, but maintain enough focus that you maintain momentum. This is true to any kind of self-development and growth work from learning about racism to owning your story to diving into your...
When I talk to a client that has been through an incredibly challenging time, the first thing they tell me they desire is to go back to who they used to be – or living the way things were. When we are dealing with pain or simply wake-up and realize we’ve been living...