I’m often asked that if you make the decision to choose to be happy. And follow all the strategies of living a life that feels nourishing and fulfilling. Will that equate to never feeling stressed or overwhelmed again? And, honestly, answer is no. And...
Though I have been self-employed for the last twenty years, that hasn’t always been the case. I spent the first twenty years of my working life working for someone else. I can look back with fondness on almost every job I held – from retail to broadcasting...
No matter the season, I am a high-energy, full-speed-ahead kind of gal. Getting things done makes me feel good about everything: my life, my work, and, of course, myself. But being productive and high-energy isn’t the same as being busy. Ask yourself: what is the...
I have a confession: I’m feeling burned out these days. Please don’t get me wrong or think I’m complaining. It’s just a big dash of vulnerability and honesty. See, I adore my clients from the depths of my toes to the top of my head. My time...
If there’s one thing I understand, my dear? It’s how quickly I can go from feeling on top of my to do list and super productive to feeling overwhelmed thanks to thousands of swirling thoughts. That doesn’t happen as often as it used to thanks to all...
Are you feeling lost, yet that little voice inside you whispers there is more to life than this? Then the problem is often that you aren’t quite sure what you really want. Or need. In order to have a life that feels nourished. Want to create a life you love?...
I spent a chunk of last week wallowing in crankiness. I wanted to pick fights and complain. Deep down, I knew what the problem was, but I came up with all kinds of excuses, mostly surrounding the need to work harder and get back into the swing of non-travel...