Become Besotted
I believe that if you were to really get to know all the sides of someone, you couldn’t help but fall in love with them.
To see someone in as they really are when no one’s watching. To acknowledge their struggles and bouts of loneliness. To see their victories and find a way to celebrate them. To see their infinitesimal moments of perfection as they watch their lover sleep or breathe in the crisp autumn air on an October morning.
We get to know them because of their story.
We are inspired in how they transform adversity into love. We witness the breadth of their story and see the significance in small, conscious decisions. When we see them in all their glory, all their vulnerability, and all their humanness, we can’t help but fall in love.
What if YOU were that person?
Become Besotted. With Yourself. With Your Life.
Who you are is significant. Though we sometimes feel incredibly small or unimportant in the seas of humanity, know that your story is essential to the fabric that makes up this world. You. Your life. Your story. Is critical.
The question becomes: how do you explore your own story? How do you find the breadcrumbs that will lead you from unconscious existence to the understanding that your daily actions have the power to create a conscious life?
That’s why I created Become Besotted.
Become Besotted will assist you in writing your story, a month at a time. An opportunity to get to know all sides of yourself and fall in love. Become Besotted will also help you explore your dreams and desires. It will serve you in monitoring your victories and shedding what isn’t serving you.
Want to bring your dreams into your reality? Become Besotted will help you stay on track to your deepest desires.
Become devoted to yourself. Give yourself the gift of a year getting to know YOU.
What you get
- First up is a in-depth series of prompts designed to help you dig into your heart and soul. Who are you? What do you dream about? What do you desire?
- On the 25th of each month, you’ll receive the next chapter. It will be an opportunity for you to chronicle your month. To record what’s working. to truthfully explore what isn’t.
- Every three months, you’ll receive a mini-chapter with a new set of questions, designed to help you look for patterns within your life.
- With each month, you’ll chronicle where you’re heading and what you desire. You’ll note the ordinary happenings of living.
- At the end of 12 months, you’ll also receive an additional chapter designed to assist you in closing out your year.
The investment for 12 months of Become Besotted is only $89.
Celebrate who you are becoming. Celebrate Yourself and Your life. Isn’t it time you fell in love with you?
I wholeheartedly believe that the answer to that question is that we begin to explore our story through the art of creation.When it comes to being a “creative” or a “non-creative” person, we are ALL creators in some sense.
When we create, we cultivate meaning. When we create, we stand stronger in our own power as a unique individual, we make the fabric of humanity stronger. Our piece, our story, our creations are all necessary. In her research on wholehearted living, Brene Brown found that “Unused creativity doesn’t just disappear. It lives within us until it’s expressed, neglected to death, or suffocated by resentment and fear.”
What can draw you deeper into your own story? To flesh out your memories, push your edges, and remind yourself of the significance in your way of being? How can devotion to your life and your own creativity propel you towards becoming besotted with not just yourself, but your whole life.