I have to say, my heart just jumped into my throat when one of my favorite Disney folks on Instagram made a confession in her Insta Stories.. She was so overwhelmed when cleaning. Well, needing to clean. In fact, she was sitting in her car, in the driveway. Not...
As I write you this love note, the Thanksgiving leftovers have been put away. And we’re still too full to have our pie. I wanted to do a quick check of my email, mainly because I know if I don’t, my inbox is is going to stress me out. Yes, thanks to...
If you’ve been anywhere around the internet, I’m sure you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and how “Tidying Up” is the new black. I love that she’s inspiring folks to get rid of the clutter that doesn’t serve them. Because, truly,...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that clutter and untidy spaces stand in the way between who we are today and who we truly long to be. That’s why one of the first things I ask a client about is what their environment is like....
After being away from home for fifty-one out of the last ninety days, to say I’m a bit discombobulated is an understatement. We’ve been home for three days and I’m still feeling edgy and irritable. It’s hard to know where to begin to get back on schedule. Yet...
If your life is like most folks I talk to, there are a lot of moving pieces. And whether you are typically organized or struggle keeping your house in shape? When life is busier, like at the holidays, it’s harder to keep clutter under control. Yet, isn’t...
It can be hard not to feel stressed out this time of year. There’s just so much to do, isn’t there? Dealing with (sometimes) unpleasant family members. Choosing just the right gifts for everyone on your list. Attending parties. Not to mention simply...