otes of Love & Affection
The best thing about being a coach? My clients!
I love each and every one of them dearly and am so blessed to work with such beautiful souls! My clients are all strong individuals who have put their lives on a path of positive growth.
Here is what they have to say about working with me:

Personally, I’ve done a ton of my own transformational work and continue to explore new pathways every day. While I wish I could say that I have ‘arrived,’ there really is no such destination for a lifelong learner like me or probably you. Debra is a friend and mentor who helps keep me on task, shed light on my blind spots, and untangle the stuck places that I can’t quite tackle on my own.
Throughout the time we’ve worked together, she’s nudged me forward with just the right amount of force and given me space to grieve my losses and celebrate my victories. She’s more than a coach. She’s a muse and cheerleader, and I am immensely grateful to have her on my team.
My working relationship with Deb began a number of years ago through an online course in which we both participated – post-course, we agreed with a few colleagues to an online accountability relationship for positive steps we were all taking in our lives. During that time for me, Deb established her attention to detail and her accountability to both contribute input and to positively listen to each of the persons involved with the group. After that group ended, she and I personally kept in touch loosely over our blogposts and those posts of other online friends.
When Deb posted her “Sex Kitten” course for the first time, I was totally taken with the clever title and provocative content offered for positive and long-reaching advances in one’s personal and in one’s very personal life. I dialed in for a personal conversation about whether or not we were a match regarding present and future ambitions of mine and…….“the rest is history!”
But the rest, the rest being with Deb’s counsel, has been an interesting, innovating, expanding chapter in my life as a woman, a spouse, a creative artist. My spouse and I have always had what I considered an excellent life together – I did not anticipate an even better and the more intimate relationship that we now find ourselves living into every day. I’m no slouch in the confidence category but Deb has helped me face those teeny cracks of vulnerability that I sheltered, having helped me prosper mentally and physically at this stage of my life. My creative aspirations are blooming with no end in sight – LOTS more growth ahead for me.
I highly recommend a course with Deb or what she might call a non-course – that’s the arrangement we have now. Personal coaching on a regular basis – touching base on one’s own hiccups, one’s own dimension of daily life, whether it’s exercise, creative habits and/or reaching the next plateau or higher in all of the newness that still continues to unfold for me. I highly recommend Deb’s methods and courses! You won’t be sorry you signed on with Deb as your super-person sidekick!
Dianna Woolley, Abstract Artist

With her encouragement, I made major progress on clearing the clutter in my physical life as well as in my emotional life, which paved the way toward creating a new vision for the life I want to live now.
Deb has an easy conversational style, rational down-to earth wisdom, and a warm sense of humor.
She got right to the heart of the things holding me back from living my best life, and has given me sound principles and practices I can carry forward into the future.
For the first time in a long time I feel excited about my life, and I have Deb to thank for that!
-Becca Rowan, Arthur
Debra, one thing I have learned from you…..and likely the most important…..is to be thankful for my blessings. I realized today that I have never really taken the time to formally say thank you to you for your wise counsel as my life has evolved these past three years. Your continual patience and guidance have allowed me to move from being a man who didn’t believe he had anything in his glass to a man with a glass overflowing.
Your advice has always been spot on…….from helping me see how important it is to be thankful for my blessings to helping me remove physical and emotional clutter from my life. I am actually the most grateful for the times when you have spoken the truth in love and been honest with me when I wanted to continue to delude myself. Without those wise words, I would have continued to lie to myself and not had the breakthroughs I have experienced.
I’m not all I want to be yet but I would have ever found my path had I not met and worked with you. Thank you for your efforts in helping me find my life. I am forever in your debt.
~Basil Human, Engineer, Chief Operating Officer, Writer

She inspires me, she supports me, and she gives me direction so I can identify my needs and my wants. But she doesn’t stop there. Not only does she assist me in laying the foundation, but she gives me the tools to actually achieve the life I desire. This is an ongoing process, not a quick fix. And it takes practice.
If I veer off my intended path, Debra has given me the structure, along with the tools to get back on track. Since working with Debra, my life flows more smoothly, I know where I’m heading and I know how to get there.
I feel better about myself and my life. I look forward to each day as an adventure!
–Susan Mushkin
Enlisting Deb’s coaching services has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. She is truly an expert de-tangler. I started out with a “Declutter” course at the recommendation of a fellow writer, and as soon as she began offering “Make Your Inner Sex Kitten Roar, I was intrigued. I appreciate her honesty, encouragement and her openness. She has a way of seeing things that you can’t see for yourself and is a whiz at breaking bigger dreams into manageable chunks that will get you to where you want to be faster than you thought possible.
I had a very tough few years and have been wanting to get my “oomph” back. Well, with Deb’s help, I’ve found it again! My husband agrees with my assessment and has seen a noticeable change in me since working with Deb. To quote him, “I don’t care how much it costs, keep working with her, because it’s working!”
Rachel B. Kain, Writer & So Much More

An ever-faithful ally and pillar of evolving ideas, Debra approaches her clients with an intuitive ear, a foundation of love and sincerity, sprinkled with a touch of humor.
Her written communication is always that of a lively, three dimensional storyteller, as she pours her personality on the page, never leaving you disappointed.
Driven by the positive result of being relentless in her own life, Debra always captures your attention with thought-provoking topics and a working action plan for your life, both personally and professionally..”
~Elizabeth Rago
I would just like to state for the record that Debra Smouse is a genius and an awesome listener, to boot.
In one phone conversation with her, I was able to verbalize, and thus realize, something that had been on the tip of my brain for weeks. Her simple way of listening and asking led to a proverbial light bulb moment that has stayed with me for days and has helped open up new, clearer avenues of thought and feeling.
–Brandi Lee
Working with Deb is like chatting with an old friend and before you know it you’ve made huge accomplishments!
~MarciaAn AMAZING Woman Who Sparkles!
“Debra is a keen listener who manages to be truly empathetic while also helping clients to face reality, create a definitive plan of action, and move forward.
She applies her creativity to any dilemma and provides consistent accountability and encouragement”
~ Roxanne Ravenel | Novelist/ Freelance Journalist / Social Media Management
Debra. Your blogs and columns and coaching advice always seem supportive and like they’re coming from a place of love.
~Melissa Bartell, Word Ninja. Bathtub Mermaid
In the relatively short period of time that I have worked with Debra, she has been awesome. She has helped me to get and stay focused, hold me accountable in a manner that was effective and beneficial to me and my life. In addition, she gave me great insights into how I can get much more balanced as well as how I can handle delicate situations in my life. I walk away from our sessions with a renewed sense of purpose and focus in all aspects of my life. She is tough when I need her to be tough, yet supportive at the same time. She instinctively knows what I need.
I was hesitant to have a woman coach me. I went with my instincts and I am glad that I did. Debra is a true professional that is dedicated to her client’s success. I should know, I have been coaching people and developing people for the last 25 plus years. I would highly recommend her if you want to gain more from all aspects of your life.
~Michael Ehrler, Business Coach

She has a disarming manner that completely puts me at my ease and allows me to explore my challenges in a safe space, a space free of judgment and full of great coaching advice which is given with care and charm and penetrating insight. With just a few sessions Debra helped me to reconnect with my process and my inspiration, and to really get in touch with and work through my emotions, all of which I had been holding at a distance for quite some time.
And as we move forward, she helps me to firm up that foundation and build from there. I highly recommend her.
~Angela Wales Rockett: Artist, Writer & Teacher
“I have known Debra for over 5 years and in that time have benefited greatly from her input and counsel.
She has a way of telling what you need to hear in a manner that is gentle, positive and uplifting. When I am not able to talk directly with Deb, her words come to me as I work things out. As I am fond of telling her, Deb always pops up right when I need her and she never steers me wrong!“
~Ben S. (Distribution & Logistics Manager, Maryland)
~Christopher P. (Attorney-at-Law, Texas)
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