When you focus on feeling confident in your body – as it is – it’s great to remember that every body is a bikini body – if bikinis are your thing. But I also understand that feeling confident in your body takes practice when summertime comes around. To feel confident with every inch of yourself and wear whatever you want once temperatures begin to rise, here are our favorite tips for feeling confident this summer.

One – Focus on Self-Love

Everyone’s body is different. And deserves to be loved by yourself. Remind yourself that you are unique and beautiful, and as long as you believe it, that should be enough. Our culture puts a lot of pressure on us to be perfect from head to toe, but have you ever met a person in real life who was? Probably not.

Appreciate your body for all that it does for you. Your legs keep you moving, and your arms and hands allow you to hug and connect with other people. It’s a gift to be alive, have an able body, and be able to go places and experience things. And that’s what matters at the end of the day. Not how you look or these insignificant things like examining every inch of your body and being hard on yourself.

Two – Focus on Health, Not Appearance

Shift your focus from having to achieve this perfect body, which isn’t realistic, and instead prioritize your health and well-being. Exercise to keep your body strong and healthy, not to change it. Engaging in activities that make you feel strong and energized, like yoga, swimming, and Pilates, are great ways to improve your health. Focusing on changing your body is unhealthy, both mentally and physically. Prioritizing your health is an integral part of self-care, and making that your goal is key to feeling confident in yourself. This reliable dentist in Gloucester VA also wants to remind us to never forget consulting medical professionals religiously to ensure we’re always on top of our health.

Three – Set Realistic Goals

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you can’t change. It means loving yourself through changes in your body and appearance. While you can’t change your immutable characteristics, it’s okay to want to feel healthy and strong in your body. If you want to make changes, ensure you set realistic and achievable goals. Focus on making healthy lifestyle choices rather than striving for perfection. Instead of hitting the gym because you’re hoping to change this one part of your body you hate, go to the gym because it’s good for you.

Four – Wear What You Feel Good In

Clothes can act like an armor of self-expression. The power of a great outfit that feels expressive to you can play a monumental role in feeling comfortable in your own skin. I truly believe in the power of a great outfit. Whether that’s a bathing suit that accentuates the parts of your body that you love, a nice blouse, or even a beautiful dress, whatever you feel your best in has the power to be your source of body confidence.

So get yourself a summer wardrobe to feel your best in. Don’t buy something you’ll fidget with all day or make you hyper-aware of your body. When shopping, look for your favorite colors, patterns, and clothes that accentuate the parts of your body that you love, and go from there.

Six – Challenge Negative Thoughts

Practicing self-love and confidence doesn’t mean there won’t be times when you’ll be hard on yourself. It just means that you challenge those negative thoughts. When negative thoughts about your body arise, challenge them with evidence to the contrary. Remind yourself that your worth is not dependent on your appearance. Does having better legs make you more able to walk? No. So when these negative thoughts about your body arise, face them and challenge them.

Seven – Focus on What You Love about Yourself

Instead of dwelling on the perceived ‘flaws’ that you have, focus on what you love. Everyone needs to have something they love about themselves, whether it’s how your body looks in the perfect bra, or how your smile brings out your beautiful facial features. Start with that external trait and learn to apply it to other parts of your body. No one is as hard on our bodies as ourselves, and realistically, no one really notices the part of yourself that you pay so much attention to.

And even more than that, the most interesting part of ourselves is our brain. Celebrate yourself beyond immutable characteristics and remember your strengths, talents, and achievements.

Eight – Take Care of Yourself

Being overly focused on how your body looks isn’t healthy. Society puts a lot of pressure on our looks, especially for women. While happy people certainly have their own insecurities, those insecurities don’t get in the way of their ability to experience joy.

Prioritizing self-care activities that make you feel good, whether that means getting enough sleep, eating nourishing foods, or even pampering yourself with nice clothes and a new hairstyle. If you struggle with constant negative self-talk, maybe you should even consider working with a therapist to help you find happiness and love for your body.

Nine – Surround Yourself with Positivity

As I mentioned, media and beauty standards put pressure on us to look perfect. But it’s up to you to decide whether you want to succumb to these unachievable standards or enjoy your life. Genuinely think about where the source of this pressure is coming from. For some of us, that means deleting social media or getting out of toxic environments.

Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Follow social media accounts that focus on body positivity and avoid comparing yourself to others.

Ten – Loving the Skin You’re In

Remember that confidence is a journey and it’s not linear. There will be days when it will feel extra hard to give yourself more love and respect than others, and that’s okay. Be patient and kind to yourself. Your happiness and ability to enjoy the beauty that the summer brings aren’t contingent on how you look; they depend on whether you allow yourself to.

So do you want to spend this summer focusing on how you look? Or do you want to spend it with friends and family, having fun? That’s only up to you to decide.

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