I can’t imagine my life without books. From an early age, they transported me to magical worlds and helped me feel less alone when I discovered characters who were just as imperfect as me. I read around 100 books a year. Some years more than others. And it’s why I know how valuable to your life it is to make reading more a habit.
You might think that as a life coach, I’d encourage you to read inspirational and self-help books as a path to make your life better. And while I know that non-fiction holds immense value, I want to encourage you to read fiction as well.
That’s because fiction has changed me and can change you. In addition to taking you to far off places, fiction invites you to experience challenges people face. And science proves that my favorite characters did indeed affect me. Research from Ohio State University has shown that when you read about fictional characters can influence you. In the study, readers adopted the beliefs, feelings and responses of the characters.
This means well written fiction with courageous or compassionate characters can inspire you to be brave, transform your thinking, how you see yourself and the world.
Here’s are twenty-five tips on to help you make reading more a habit.
- Though you may think of books only in the physical, printed form, be open to trying different formats. In addition to print books, consider digital and audio books as well.
- Use technology to your advantage. I have a Kindle for digital books. But I also have Libby and Audible.
- Speaking of audio books: listening to a book may be the answer to reading more. I listen to audio books while I’m doing household chores, running errands, and sometimes even grocery shopping.
- Pair reading with another activity. When I worked outside the home, I’d take a book with me to lunch. And being on the treadmill can feel boring, but a book – physical or audio – can help pass the time.
- Always have a book on-hand. On more than one occasion, I have whipped out my Kindle while waiting in a long line…even at Disney World.
- Read multiple books at once. I usually have three books going at any one time: a novel on my Kindle, a spiritual or non-fiction book for soul nourishment, and an audio book.
- Designate books to certain areas of your home or life. I have a girlfriend that has books stashed in her closet and kitchen as well as one in the glove box. When you make it easier to read, you’ll read more. So, stash books in places you have a few moments – your office, your bedroom, your kitchen, your living room, your purse…
- On the flip side, it may be helpful to designate a cozy reading space. Though I’ll read anywhere I have an opportunity, I love reading in my chair with a blanket across my legs.
- Make reading part of your existing daily rituals. So, read a chapter of a self-help book or spiritual book in the morning before you journal. Or save a spicy romance for company while you work out.
- Commit to reading when traveling or before bed.
- Set a daily goal whether it’s a number of pages a day, a chapter a day, or twenty minutes at lunch.
- Make reading a routine by setting a dedicated reading time. Like before bed. Or as part of your lunch break.
- If you need something external to cheer you on, join a reading challenge like the one Goodreads does every year. (Though I admit I haven’t been adding all the books I read over there this year….)
- Get a library card. Did you know that most libraries have digital collections that you can download to your phone, iPad, or kindle? When purchasing books, look for an AbeBooks coupon code to save on used and rare books that you want to add to your personal collection.
- Consider re-reading a favorite book. Be it from when you were a kid or even a favorite book from the past few years. Re-reading books can give you great pleasure. And it can help you build the habit of reading.
- Hijack your news or social media habits. Read instead of scroll.
- Choose books that fit your interests. I know it’s easy to get caught up in what’s popular or trendy, but a lot of times I don’t enjoy those books.
- Give yourself permission to read what you actually like to read. No shame if you prefer a cozy mystery or spicy romance over a literary novel.
- Consider finding a series you can love. I am a big fan of series books. I read a lot of thrillers and mystery series (cozy and not cozy) because I like the characters. And a series allows me to witness them as they shift and grow.
- If you struggle with finding what to read next, read everything an author you like has written. This can be series, like I mentioned above. Or lots of standalone books that have engaging characters and plot lines you find pleasure in.
- Read a new genre of books. Try a biography if people fascinate you. Try a YA Novel. Read a cookbook from cover to cover (like My Kitchen Year by Ruth Reichel or Deep Run Roots by Vivian Howard.). Don’t look down your nose at romance. Try a thriller or historical fiction. Stretching your idea of what you read may open new doors.
- Give yourself permission to quit books you don’t enjoy. I used to force myself to get through a book, but no more. (This is also why I don’t belong to a book club any longer – I disliked most of the books they were choosing!)
- On the flip side, if you are struggling with a book, try a different format. For example, I just couldn’t get into a book called “The 6:20 Man” by David Baldacci. Which was odd because I usually like his books. But then I tried the audio version of the book and I SO enjoyed it! And some audio books have horrible narrators or are hard to follow, yet the printed version is delightful.
- Have your next book on stand-by. This is one thing I love about having a library card as you can put books you want to read on hold and will be notified when it’s your turn.
- Follow “bookstagram” accounts for literary eye-candy. And to see what folks are reading. This is a great reason to follow authors you appreciate reading as well.
Reading more will always add value to your life. And it keeps our minds engaged. My mother-in-law is in her mid-90’s and has often remarked to me how grateful she is for books. Reading keeps her mind active – especially when the things on TV that day are “lame” 😉
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