With a childhood in the 70’s and an adolescence in the 80’s, I grew up with the song from the Enjoli ad in my head as the mantra about what a modern woman should be. As the sexy blonde sang about how you can have it all, fueled by the magic 24-hour perfume, I bought...
When we shift the seasons, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it? Yet, it’s also the time of year when we are invited to stop and remember our blessings. A gratitude practice is one of the best ways to deal with feeling overwhelmed and stressed...
It’s almost Christmas as I write this, darling. And while I know that you you may not celebrate the Christmas. Or maybe, this year, you just don’t feel like celebrating Christmas. You soul is simply feeling tired. Everywhere I go, it seems as if folks are a little...
I’m sure I’m not alone but I will confess that a few months back, I had a very grumpy day. Everything little thing seemed to annoyed me. And I found myself complaining. A lot. Midway through the day, JB announced he was going for a walk. Alone. Not only...
No matter who you are, there are going to be days (or weeks or months) where life kinda sucks. In the back of your mind is that you just want to be happy. Yet, if you were to be honest, you’d settle for things being even a little big better. Though it...
As a life coach, my job is to help people on their journey through self-development. This looks different for each individual person. And my mission is to help each person I work with clear what’s in the way of loving themselves and their life. At times, this...
If you are a friend on Facebook or follower on Instagram, you can’t help but notice that the most often shared part of my life is The Cup of Coffee. It’s a small peek into this daily life that I love. But why coffee? I love coffee, of course, and rarely does a day...