Conducting a Review Helps Create a Life I Love

Conducting a Review Helps Create a Life I Love

The fall months usher in the “busy season” and while I am no fan of Busy as a Lifestyle choice, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to accomplish anything. The holidays are just around the corner and it won’t be long before we usher in a new year. Just like you, I have all...
Happiness Being Sabotaged? Build a Bonfire.

Happiness Being Sabotaged? Build a Bonfire.

Last week I shared a little history of my personal experiences with journal writing, including the time my mother found and destroyed all the journals I’d kept from childhood through college. Even if you haven’t been in the exact same situation, I’m...
The Power Getting Clear On Your Core Values

The Power Getting Clear On Your Core Values

What are your core values? The first time I really understood that question, it gave me pause. Sure, I knew my values! I had inherited them, right along with my love of reading and my deep appreciation for fried okra. Hadn’t I? Of course, that was during the years...

Revealing My 2015 Touchstones

For a decade now, I’ve been using the process of choosing one to three words to serve as a focus and theme for my year. Like life, some years are easier to stay on point than others, but it never fails to amaze me at the end of the year how my choice has focused,...

Let Us Choose Love and Forgiveness

We are knee deep into the holiday season. Thanksgiving is behind us, we are approaching the second Sunday of Advent, and before we know it, Christmas and New Years are upon us. It’s a hard time of year for many thanks to the Ghosts of Christmas Past. I try to remember...

Choose Love

Though each of us is on an individual journey here in this world, there is always a common connection to others. As a coach, I’m able to witness these the underlying themes that we all wrestle with. In a recent week of coaching, I saw the same similar questions coming...

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