Forests are the lifeblood of our planet, providing habitat for countless species, regulating the climate, and supporting the delicate balance of ecosystems. Yet, deforestation, land degradation, and climate change continue to threaten these vital landscapes, taking a...
We’re firmly into 2024 and I’ve already heard the laments about the loss of excitement for resolutions. And discouragement from others that the goals they made a few short weeks ago feel incredibly out of reach. The first place to look before you give up on those...
It doesn’t take a degree of psychology to reason that healthy relationships are the main source of happiness for every functional person. As the book famously says — no man is an island, and you need people to truly love your life. However, relationships can easily...
Back in my road-warrior princess days, I allowed myself to work ten (or more) hours a day. I regularly went to bed around midnight and my alarm went off at 5 AM. Months of living at that pace, I often felt overwhelmed and fuzzy-headed. After hanging up my suits for...
Though it may be a little politically incorrect, I believe that all women have an Inner Sex Kitten inside of them. You may pooh-pooh this idea as silly, crazy or sexist. But let me tell you something, darling: my personal experiences as well as well as the results my...
In today’s competitive business landscape, maintaining a clean workspace is critical, not just for aesthetics but also for the health and productivity of your employees. Many times, daily cleaning doesn’t cut it; businesses require more thorough, deep...
It’s astonishing to think how far we’ve come in terms of new technology and what’s available now that never has been before. The Internet, for example, is a global tool to connect and search the knowledge we have with a few clicks from any laptop, desktop, phone, or...
One of the complaints I hear often from folks is that here is a disconnect between the kind of life they want to live and the life they are actually living. Sometimes, it’s the smallest of things that make them aware of the disconnect. Other times, something big...
Divorce is often seen as an end, but it can also be a powerful life lesson that teaches you valuable things about yourself, relationships, and life in general. While the process is challenging, it can provide growth, self-awareness, and a renewed sense of direction....
By nature, I’m a planner. It became obvious during my elementary school years when I plotted what to wear and created lists of books I’d be reading that year (and in what order). In high school, I always knew what I’d be wearing a week or more in advance and my...