If you want to create a life you love, then, darling one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get clear on what you want. And I’m the first to admit that sometimes, it’s hard to really figure that out. Sure, sometimes clarity arrives with a...
I’m a huge fan of clearing physical clutter as a path forward to gaining clarity. Disorder, clutter, and undone spaces in your home stall you from creating, sabotage your productivity, and keep you from moving forward. I am so passionate about clearing physical...
After my divorce, I started dating again. I was surprised to find love again, but the problem was he was a player. We’d dated on and off for seven years. I had begun working on my life coaching certification. The question each lesson seemed to answer was how to love...
If there’s one thing I know intimately, it’s how one moment my house is spotless. And then the next second there seems to be towering piles of clutter. In every room. You probably notice them right before the doorbell rings. Or you finish a big project for work. And...
Want to know something you may not know? I used to live a horribly cluttered life. No, not “hoarders” level, but any guest visit was often preceded by a lot of rushing around , stashing stuff in closets and under beds, and hiding all those extra pans in the oven. ...
Imagine that you are Jane. Imagine the jungle of life is a literal jungle. You admit that you have a pretty good life. You have a lovely tree house and you love Tarzan. But you’ve come to realize that you want to take control over the direction of your life. ...
In the summer of 1998, I had my very first Windows Vista computer and my own AOL account. I set it up at the end of our dining room table, dragged a twenty-foot phone cord from the living room over, and waited for the beep beep beep. By the time fall rolled around,...