Did you know I’ve offered my 30 Days to Clarity: Clutter Busting Course for more than a decade? It was my first foray into online coaching courses. And it’s a class I created straight from the heart, something I wish I’d had myself twenty years ago....
Want to know something you may not know? I used to live a horribly cluttered life. No, not “hoarders” level, but any guest visit was often preceded by a lot of rushing around , stashing stuff in closets and under beds, and hiding all those extra pans in the oven. ...
There are a lot of misconceptions around how to life a less cluttered life. Like needing to go minimalist. Or how feeling overwhelmed by your clutter means that you’ll never dig out. But the truth of the matter is this: sometimes the simple things help...
The underlying belief of my life is that I need to be willing to do the work to love my daily life. No, my life isn’t perfect. Yet I can tell you even on the challenging days, I experience at least a moment of happiness. Folks often ask me for the secret to make that...
With summer around the corner, I’m happy to report that the bulk of our spring cleaning has been completed. We’ve washed the windows, cleaned the deck, and the flower beds are sporting fresh mulch. How about you? Have you completed all your spring cleaning? Are you...
I’ve discovered the secret to having a fabulous and productive day. It involves salad, coffee, dishes, sheets and meditation. Now, before you grab a pen and begin to jot down my list so you can theorize about how these seemingly small details can make the difference...
When I traveled regularly for business, I was never one of those savvy business travelers who brought a single bag for a ten-day trip. No, I was the person dragging two full-sized suitcases, a briefcase, and a messenger bag (which I used as a purse) through the...