Needless to say, job hunting is really tough; it’s just way too tough and way too demanding, right? But on top of that, there are just so many expectations, like having to redo a cover letter and resume for every single job application, because everything needs to be tailored. That alone can be super tiring, right?

Well, have you ever thought of AI as your personal job-hunting sidekick? In today’s ultra-competitive job market, artificial intelligence can definitely play that role, helping you land that dream job faster than you can say “employment.” If you go on job forums, Reddit, Facebook groups, or even reach out and talk to people, you’re actually going to find that a lot of people use AI in some way to help them get a job.

Maybe they asked AI to create some questions to prepare for an interview; maybe they used AI to seek a job that’s an ideal fit for them, and yes, of course, tailored resumes and cover letters for a specific job application. But overall, it’s a great idea. But should you use AI for absolutely everything? Well, here’s what you need to know!

Is It a Good Idea to Always Use AI for Job Hunting?

AI in job hunting is more than just a trend—it’s transforming how we search and apply for jobs, primarily by saving time and making the process less overwhelming. As you might be able to relate (who wouldn’t?), applying for jobs and even just searching for jobs that you’re hoping will be the right fit for you can feel fairly grueling, right?

While many platforms today are integrating AI to enhance the application experience, it’s important to understand how AI is used in each context. For example, ReadySetHire doesn’t directly use AI to conduct job searches for you. However, as you use the platform, its AI learns more about your interests and profile, allowing it to suggest better job opportunities over time. This means AI in ReadySetHire acts as a supportive tool rather than handling everything outright. So, while AI is incredibly useful, it’s most effective when used for specific aspects of the job search process rather than for everything.

Now, you realistically can’t expect AI to do anything and everything for you (as nice as that would be), but being able to save time and get jobs actually related to you (rather than just keywords like most job boards) will immediately help you out in the whole process.

The Human Touch Still Matters

Yes, you read that heading right! You can use AI, but not everything should be AI-driven, though! While AI is fantastic at crunching data and matching skills to job descriptions, it’s not perfect. Some employers are playing detective, looking for signs that a candidate might have let AI do all the work. And here’s why—your unique voice and the genuine enthusiasm you bring to your application are irreplaceable.

Yes, employers can smell the lack of personal touch from a mile away, and some even use special software to spot an AI-generated piece! They want to know the real you, not some AI-generated cover letter; that’s not who you are.

So, What’s the Balance?

Ideally, you should think of AI as your assistant in the kitchen of career opportunities—it can chop and prepare the ingredients, but you’re the chef who brings the flavor. Okay, that might be a really weird analogy, but that might be the best one out there. You should use it to get suggestions, perfect your grammar, and even sprinkle in some industry-specific lingo to make your resume shine.

Then, add your personal touch to cook up an application that truly reflects your personality and professional ethos. You still need to be you; you still need to show that you’re a person, so there has to be that human touch.

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