Around one in four people experience mental health issues each year. It’s a growing concern among people of all ages, and when you look at modern society it’s no wonder. We are all increasingly wrapped up in things that cause us harm, such as our phones, social media, and fear mongering news headlines. With the cost-of-living crisis in full swing and a slew of other political and social issues, it’s an incredibly difficult time to be alive.
But as we enter a new year, it’s a good time to take an introspective look at ourselves and see how we can improve our mental health in 2023. There are so many things you can do to improve your wellbeing, no matter who you are or what your life is like. And there are a few key areas that make the most difference. Focusing on these parts of your life will help you to be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled in future.
Here are four key things that can affect your mental health.
One – Career
You spend roughly a third of your adult life at work, so you want to have a career you enjoy. Yet so many people spend their adulthood in boring jobs that don’t make them happy, just so they can pay the bills. Not everyone has the same opportunities but that doesn’t mean you can’t start looking for better options. See if you can find a new career doing something you love and that makes you happy. If this isn’t immediately possible, consider applying to another company or asking your boss for a flexible working arrangement to help your mental health.
Two – Fulfillment
What are you passionate about in life? For some people, it’s a hobby such as running or creative writing. For others it’s travel and exploring the world. Whatever brings you fulfillment and joy, you should make as much time for this thing as possible. If you have a case of wanderlust, use every opportunity to see the planet. Use your vacation days wisely and keep planning the next trip. If you don’t have much time in your life for travel, consider finding a job that keeps you on the move. You could be a travel writer, an expedition leader, or even a marine biologist. If you work in healthcare, many hospitals keep a travel RN on staff who is often required to travel from city to city. The opportunities are endless.
Three – Finances
Everyone struggles with money at some point in their life and financial troubles can be incredibly upsetting and worrying. The cost-of-living crisis is making everything a lot harder for people right now, but like all bad things, it will come to an end eventually. The most important thing you can do in the meantime is maintain a strong support network and ask for help if you need it. Try to budget effectively and do the best you can.
Four – Relationships
We all need loved ones in our life, whether it’s a romantic partner, our siblings, or a childhood best friend. It’s important to nurture these relationships and always make time for the people you love, as they will be your support network whenever times are tough. The importance of having people around you who care for you and understand you cannot be overestimated.
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