You want to love your life and have more. You’re a dedicated go-getter. And I believe you can have a kick-ass career and create a life that you love. You can be an awesome mom, have a fabulous relationship, and still pursue your heart’s desires. Yet, the...
When I first made the decision to have a blog associated with my coaching practice, I made a commitment to myself and anyone visiting that I would have a fresh post each week. Some weeks, this commitment feels easy. My muse softly whispers in my ear and the words...
Imagine you wake up on top of the world. You’re to do list is in order. And nothing can stop you. But then, in the blink of an eye, one of the wheels on your tightly scheduled day falls off. And you feel as if your life is careening out of control. And you ask...
We all get stressed at work. It happens. Yet, there’s occasional stress, and then there’s full-on being overwhelmed. Recognizing the signs of that feeling is important, allowing you to address the cause and get you back on your feet. When we are going through...
Do you feel as if you’ve lost your zest for life, darling? Have you begun to lose interest in things you used to be passionate about? Is it hard to motivate yourself to just get things done? And does it feel as if everything in your realm of responsibilities feels...
I often mention meditation here and that’s because I’m a big believer that meditation can be a tool in the path to loving your life. It’s the way I check in on the core of myself, because in constantly trying to keep the brain occupied, we can fail to truly listen...
People get a fresh start in the fall, as if it’s Back to School is for all of us. It’s no wonder that the number one wish I’m hearing is to be more productive. You’ve decided that now is the time when you are going to get busy and slay all your dragons...