Though I know there are no magic solutions to life’s challenges, I want to share my secret weapon that I’ve been using for the last fifteen years that doesn’t cost a dime: choosing a word of the year. Think of it like a theme song to motivate you as you move from...
As I write you this love note, the Thanksgiving leftovers have been put away. And we’re still too full to have our pie. I wanted to do a quick check of my email, mainly because I know if I don’t, my inbox is is going to stress me out. Yes, thanks to...
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we just passed the official beginning of Autumn. I spent the first forty-years of my life in Texas, where the seasonal changes present with a notation on the calendar. Now, living in the Midwest, I am blessed to experience Mother...
We are halfway through the year and, if you are like many, those new year’s resolutions are a distant memory. That’s why I want to suggest that in order to reinvigorate your commitment to your goals, this is the perfect time to recharge your mind, body,...
Every year since I began my coaching practice, I have written a blog post outlining the lessons I’ve learned since my last birthday. This year I turned 51. And rather than just write a blog post, I shared my list of how I made my life feel easier this past year,...
If you’ve been anywhere around the internet, I’m sure you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and how “Tidying Up” is the new black. I love that she’s inspiring folks to get rid of the clutter that doesn’t serve them. Because, truly,...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that clutter and untidy spaces stand in the way between who we are today and who we truly long to be. That’s why one of the first things I ask a client about is what their environment is like....