Think about the last time you heard about a car collision. You probably thought about the physical injuries and emotional distress involved. But have you ever considered the monetary chaos that follows? Medical bills, repair costs, and other expenses can add up...
I created my first online course in 2012 focused on decluttering your physical world. In all the years since, I’ve studied how clutter affects how we feel about our life and who we are in the world. Physical clutter affects not just our environment, but our...
When I was a little girl, my favorite person to be with was my grandmother. I’d go for long visits over the summer or the holidays and it was just me and her. She let me cook, play office, and take walks around the neighborhood. Despite my warm memories of all...
Are you feeling lost, yet that little voice inside you whispers there is more to life than this? Then the problem is often that you aren’t quite sure what you really want. Or need. In order to have a life that feels nourished. Want to create a life you love?...
Sports are a key part of your child’s physical and social development. In fact, if your child is talented enough, they could carve out a career in the game. However, the energetic and competitive nature of sports can sometimes lead to injuries. In fact, according to...
Discovering your personal worth and building self-esteem are fundamental aspects of leading a fulfilling and confident life. Often, our sense of self-worth can be influenced by various factors, including our experiences, relationships, and societal standards. However,...
One of the hottest new shows on Netflix is Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. It’s certainly inspiring folks to take a hard look at on It’s no secret that I believe clutter is one of the barriers between your life as it is and the kind of life you desire to create....
I spent a chunk of last week wallowing in crankiness. I wanted to pick fights and complain. Deep down, I knew what the problem was, but I came up with all kinds of excuses, mostly surrounding the need to work harder and get back into the swing of non-travel...
When I ask someone what they want, the most common supply is simply to be happy. And while I believe that happiness is a choice, I know it’s not that simple. Because if it were an easy choice, deciding to be happy would be something more folks would do. Right?...
I’d love to be able to tell you I’ve always been crystal clear on the direction of my life and my business, but that would be a lie. We all hit those crossroads where life is changing, and – even if we’ve chosen the changes – life can feel hazy. What I’ve...