Have you noticed your man in your life acting a bit more reserved than usual? Maybe he’s less talkative or distracted. Or perhaps you’ve noticed he’s uninterested in hobbies he used to enjoy. Or sleeping more. These are often signs that anyone—not just men—might be struggling with their mental health. Men do, however, tend to internalize more when they are struggling, so it can be harder to spot.

If you notice any of these signs in your man. And they are unusual behavior for him, he may be dealing with depression or anxiety.

One – He is Apathetic

Apathy is defined as lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Men who are experiencing anxiety or depression often experience feelings of apathy. Often times, he’s not even being aware of it. Notice if he doesn’t seem to have an opinion on things a lot of the time.

For example, his response to basic questions like what he wants for dinner, or what Netflix show to watch, could give you a sign. You may be concerned if these questions are suddenly being met with responses such as:

  • “I don’t know”
  • “I don’t care” or
  • “Whatever you want.”

Especially when he normally would have easily given some kind of suggestion, he may be experiencing apathy.

Two – His Sleeping Habits Change

Mental illness can almost always impact sleeping habits in one form or another. Depression, for example, can often make people feel exhausted or fatigued all the time. If he is going to bed earlier than usual, and waking up feeling dreary or tired, he may be experiencing depression.

On the other hand if he is dealing with an anxiety disorder, the heightened mental state can lead to insomnia and you may notice he is staying up late or waking up during the night.

Three – His Self-Care Is Lacking

Keep an eye out for the way he is taking care of himself. Or rather should I say lack thereof. You may notice he is skipping meals. Or perhaps your man isn’t bothering to shower, get dressed for the day, or not trimming his facial hair he typically would.

Also, take a look at his surroundings, specifically areas that are more his own. This could be his side of the bed, his home office, or the area around his favorite spot on the couch. The surroundings in which a person spends their time can be a good indicator of that person’s mental state. If he is usually relatively neat and suddenly seems to not care, he may have some inner turmoil going on.

Four – His Online Activity Changes

Watch for indicators of his mental state by noticing changes in his online habits. While I would never suggest you break trust with your man by snooping through his browser history. Or reading his text messages. There are ways you can recognize negative changes in his activities by simply being observant.

Is he less active on social media? Does he mention particular accounts or people that often come with a negative connotation? Is his mood always negative when he puts his phone down or walks away from his computer?

These are just some of the behavioral changes that may indicate a deeper issue with your man’s mental health.

It’s important to remember that if he has always been this way, these behaviors may not have the same meaning. However, if you feel like he has shown signs of struggling like I’ve mentioned here? It’s likely time to talk to him about options for help. If he is open to it, seeking an online psychiatrist can be a great first step in the right direction. A professional may be able to give him the support and platform to talk privately if he is uncomfortable discussing with you. Show him that you see something is going on and more importantly that you don’t want to belittle him, you want to support him.

Remember that healthy relationships means looking out for each other.

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