If there’s one thing I can promise you it’s this: you are not the exact same person you were a year ago. Each of us is constantly growing. Even if you aren’t actively choosing major changes, you are shifting.  Yet, it can be hard to recognize or honor your growth if you feel disconnected from your inner self.

In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to feel lost in the stresses of the world. And the sheer demands of daily life can make you feel as if your inner self has gone missing. Caring for others is important, of course. But when your focus is on everyone but yourself, it’s time for a reboot.

Here’s Nine Simple Ways to Reconnect with Your Inner Self

One – Embrace Solitude: Connecting with your inner self is easier when you spend time alone. Away from distractions, you can embrace the power of intentional quietness. Use this time to reflect on who you are and what you truly want.

Two – Keep a Journal: A journal is the perfect place to engage with your inner self. It’s an opportunity to put pen to paper and have an honest dialogue with yourself.

Three – Acknowledge Your Achievements: Each and every day you accomplish so much. Yet, how often do you give yourself credit for all your hard work? Reconnect with your inner self by noting all that you do.

Four – Forgive Yourself for Mistakes: When you forgive yourself for mistakes, it helps you let go of unrealistic expectations and leads to accepting all of your inner self. This self-acceptance and forgiveness are crucial for healing, growing, and moving forward with a sense

Five – Embrace Kindness: Kindness is not just as an act towards others, but as a transformative force for yourself. You think about acts of kindness towards others, but don’t overlook the person who often needs it the most: yourself. Reconnect with your inner self by practicing self-kindness.

Six – Practice Gratitude: Notice how kindness inspires gratitude, changing the world around you and, at the same time, transforming you from within, creating moments of profound connection and empathy—essential for personal growth and understanding.

Seven – Don’t Rush to Get Out of Bed: Yes, I know you have dozens of things to do every day. But if you want to reconnect with your inner self, take a few moments to connect to yourself, breathe, and ponder the glory of the day ahead.

Eight – Consider a Digital Detox. Once you get past checking in with friends and family far and wide, consider taking a break from all your device. Winding up the holidays is the perfect time to go inward by reducing the distraction they give us in everyday life. Make it a regular part of your schedule – be it once a week, once a month, or quarterly. A break from your devices will help you focus on your inner dialogue.

Nine – Take Regular Nature Walks: Engage in solitary walks in nature. The tranquility of nature can help in quieting the mind and facilitating a deeper connection with your inner self.

Though seemingly simple, connecting to your inner self is powerful.

Boost your self-love, confidence, and self-awareness by taking the time to to reconnect to yourself.  That’s why as we wind our way to the end of the year and the beginning of the next, it’s the perfect time to not just set goals, but prepare for a year of transformation.

Want help reconnecting to your inner self? I have a workbook that can help.

A Guiding Light for 2025: Discover Your Word of the Year.

Word of the Year 2025Here’s what you’ll find in A Guiding Light for 2025: Discover Your Word of the Year.
    • In Part One, you’ll take a look back as you Bid Farewell to 2024.
    • You’re invited to look ahead to 2025and begin to breathe life into your desires as you explore Part Two.
    • In Part Three, you’ll review a list of more than 1000 words and begin pondering what Word (or words) is right for YOU in 2025.
    • To help you gain clarity, Part Four provides you with a series of tools to help you gain clarity around the best Word to serve as a touchstone to serve as your companion through your journey in 2025.
    • In Part Five, you’ll Declare Your Word (or Words) of 2025.
I’ve also added two Bonus section to help you you create a more nourishing year.

Bonus One explores Ways to Work with Your Word of the Year. This section suggests a dozen ways to help seal your Word…and more than a dozen journal prompts to continue to check-in with your Word throughout 2025.

Bonus Two is an invitation to dive into your emotions. There, I’ll share how you can use your emotions for good. And as a path and process for creating days that are more nourished. And satisfying.

Get your FREE Copy of this powerful workbook: A Guiding Light for 2025: Discover Your Word of the Year.

>>Want to read more tips on how to love your life? Click here!<<

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Debra Smouse
reconnect with your inner self
Word of the Year 2025
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Word of the Year
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Word of the Year 2025
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Word of the Year 2025