If you’ve been anywhere around the internet, I’m sure you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and how “Tidying Up” is the new black. I love that she’s inspiring folks to get rid of the clutter that doesn’t serve them. Because, truly,...
I’m a big believer in the value of gaining clarity in your life. Here in the blog you’ll find tips and strategies to help you do that. Like clearing physical clutter in your world to help you gain mental clarity. What I realized I hadn’t shared with you, though, was...
With a childhood in the 70’s and an adolescence in the 80’s, I grew up with the song from the Enjoli ad in my head as the mantra about what a modern woman should be. As the sexy blonde sang about how you can have it all, fueled by the magic 24-hour perfume, I bought...
Two days after Halloween, I had an email from Starbucks announcing the Holiday Drinks have arrived. Everywhere I turn – be it in person or online – everything is screaming “The Holidays Are Coming”. And, that, my dear may be causing you to...
One of the hardest lessons I had to learn when it comes to loving myself and my life was that I had to actually experience all my emotions. That can be tough when life is sucky and the only pleasure you seem to find is in food (or other ways we numb. Though it may not...
If you want to create a life you love, then, darling one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get clear on what you want. And I’m the first to admit that sometimes, it’s hard to really figure that out. Sure, sometimes clarity arrives with a...
I’m a huge fan of clearing physical clutter as a path forward to gaining clarity. Disorder, clutter, and undone spaces in your home stall you from creating, sabotage your productivity, and keep you from moving forward. I am so passionate about clearing physical...