Seeking Treasure?

Seeking Treasure?

When I was a little girl, my mother would soothe away a bad day by buying me a new Barbie, a Nancy Drew book, or new barrettes.  She would make up after a fight during my teenage years by buying me a new pair of shoes or a sweater. When I became an adult, I was...

Hoist Your Sails!

The last couple of weeks, I’ve written about seeing your life as a ship.  In order to live the life of your dreams – the life you were meant to live – you lovingly and joyfully create a compass to guide you.  Though there are four points on a compass, this compass is...

Are You In Touch With Your Anchor?

I have a couple of questions for you:  How do you feel today?  How do you want to feel? During my journey in living the life of my dreams, I’ve learned two important lessons about feelings. One – you have to learn to identify your feelings and actually allow yourself...

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