If your life is like most folks I talk to, there are a lot of moving pieces. And whether you are typically organized or struggle keeping your house in shape? When life is busier, like at the holidays, it’s harder to keep clutter under control. Yet, isn’t...
Once upon a time, I made the mistake of believing that if I surrounded myself with enough stuff, it would make me feel loved, safe or worthy. I couldn’t make myself ditch anything! I had grown up with the lesson that a new book or a new outfit was the solution...
What do you want? It’s an innocuous question on the surface. A million times a day we make decisions: The black shoes instead of the brown. A tuna sandwich for lunch. An hour of reality TV and then an hour of reading before bed. When I think of that question, my...
When I was a little girl, my mother would soothe away a bad day by buying me a new Barbie, a Nancy Drew book, or new barrettes. She would make up after a fight during my teenage years by buying me a new pair of shoes or a sweater. When I became an adult, I was...