I have to say, I’m really proud of you. You have a lot on your plate right now and you’re keeping your head above water. But that ragged way you’re feeling right now? Waking in all hours of the night in a panic? Feeling like you’re on the verge of tears? Dull,...
Back in my road-warrior princess days, I allowed myself to work ten (or more) hours a day. I regularly went to bed around midnight and my alarm went off at 5 AM. Months of living at that pace, I often felt overwhelmed and fuzzy-headed. After hanging up my suits for...
As we end the year, having mixed emotions is almost a universal experience. We feel joy for all that has been accomplished and the experiences we’ve had. Yet sometimes our minds drift into thoughts about what wasn’t, what may not have happened yet, and small moments...
The holidays are upon us. Christmas is mere moments away. And as I stock the house with necessities like paper towels, pasta and coffee, I can’t help but notice the frenzy of shoppers filling their carts to the brim with sweaters and pajamas and video games. Now, I...
Want to know one of the things I love about people? We’re all different. To help me better understand others – and myself – I often turn to the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) for guidance. Like when a client asked me when decision making is difficult...
I’m sure I’m not alone but I will confess that a few months back, I had a very grumpy day. Everything little thing seemed to annoyed me. And I found myself complaining. A lot. Midway through the day, JB announced he was going for a walk. Alone. Not only...
Imagine you wake up on top of the world. You’re to do list is in order. And nothing can stop you. But then, in the blink of an eye, one of the wheels on your tightly scheduled day falls off. And you feel as if your life is careening out of control. And you ask...