Want to know one of the things I love about people? We’re all different. To help me better understand others – and myself – I often turn to the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) for guidance. Like when a client asked me when decision making is difficult...
I’m sure I’m not alone but I will confess that a few months back, I had a very grumpy day. Everything little thing seemed to annoyed me. And I found myself complaining. A lot. Midway through the day, JB announced he was going for a walk. Alone. Not only...
Imagine you wake up on top of the world. You’re to do list is in order. And nothing can stop you. But then, in the blink of an eye, one of the wheels on your tightly scheduled day falls off. And you feel as if your life is careening out of control. And you ask...
When it comes to living this modern life, one of the things we must deal with is making decisions. Even when you prefer to go with the flow, the truth of the matter is, that, too, my dear, is a decision. And when you want more from this life than simply existing from...
It seems like in recent years idealizing working from home has become the new American Dream. I certainly understand the allure. I’ve been working from home since 2003. And I think I have heard every iteration of why it must be so nice for me. The assumption is that I...
When we first connected, she felt she had a pretty darned good life. She admitted it wasn’t perfect, yet she knew that she was one of the lucky ones. Then, life wasn’t so good. She felt as if she were barely surviving. Challenge after disappointment after challenge!...
I have to admit that like many of you, the chaos of the outside world is affecting me. It’s amping up my anxiety and challenging my sense of peace. And no matter if I am not directly affected, the overall trauma and stresses we are seeing in the news can very...