After being away from home for fifty-one out of the last ninety days, to say I’m a bit discombobulated is an understatement. We’ve been home for three days and I’m still feeling edgy and irritable. It’s hard to know where to begin to get back on schedule. Yet...
Despite that scientists have debunked the theory, that doesn’t mean that the third Monday in January is “the saddest day of the year” aka “Blue Monday”? Doesn’t mean that folks aren’t honestly suffering fro a case of the...
If you were to ask me what one of my superpowers is, I’d probably tell you it’s my ability to get stuff done. Yep, I like to set a goal or objective and dive in. And the thing is, most of the time, I prefer to do it on my own. Because, of course,who can do...
It can be hard not to feel stressed out this time of year. There’s just so much to do, isn’t there? Dealing with (sometimes) unpleasant family members. Choosing just the right gifts for everyone on your list. Attending parties. Not to mention simply...
So many of the women (and men) I talk to regularly confess to feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and just flat exhausted. Like they’re living in the spin cycle of the washing machine or a good old hamster wheel. When we dig into how they’re living their daily life, one of...
The holiday season is upon us, dear one, and I know that for most of us, that means that the rhythm of life increases to an intensity that often feels as if your heart will burst from constantly racing. You know it’s a pace you will be unable to sustain, and yet you...
So, you’re having a bad day. Or maybe a crappy week. Or maybe experiencing a series of days upon days of a funky blue feeling you just can’t shake. And you’re tired of it, so tired of your heart hurting and general malaise. So tired of that sense of ennui and...