Let’s face it. The world is full of miserable and unhappy people. And you know what? They want company. In a society where we are expected to want the next big thing – the newest gadget – to strive for more, it can be a challenge to find...
I would love to tell you that I am always the “Courage Whisperer”. It isn’t that I’m fearless. Or that I’ve completely mastered all my fears. Or so sure of myself that I am no longer feel uncertain or vulnerable. Or any kind of mastery of fear. It’s just that,...
Transitioning from the hustle and bustle of the outside world to the peaceful tranquility of staying in overnight may appear as an insurmountable challenge. However, there’s nothing quite like a cozy night in to recharge your batteries and provide that...
If you are a friend on Facebook or follower on Instagram, you can’t help but notice that the most often shared part of my life is The Cup of Coffee. It’s a small peek into this daily life that I love. But why coffee? I love coffee, of course, and rarely does a day...
Sometimes, darling, I know that life feels impossible, immovable and unchangeable. We believe that we are stuck within a circumstance of life. We buy into the belief that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. And because we see the nubile young bodies and faces on...
I’m the first to admit that I love the adventures that come my way when I travel. I credit travel with the opening of my soul in many ways, introducing me to new concepts, places, foods, and people. I’m also the first to admit that I function at my best when I have...
Darling, are you tired of colliding thoughts? Do you feel as if your passions have been buried under layers and layers of existing? Are you so overwhelmed with “to-dos” that you don’t have time to acknowledge what you really desire? Are you channeling Scarlett O’Hara...