If you’ve been anywhere around the internet, I’m sure you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and how “Tidying Up” is the new black. I love that she’s inspiring folks to get rid of the clutter that doesn’t serve them. Because, truly,...
One of the most surprising tricks I’ve learned along the path of creating a life I love is that if I want to learn a new skill, create a new good habit, or simply sink into what is loving and nourishing, seeking delight in the ordinary is the answer. Purposely seeking...
One of the biggest challenges to loving my life is my own thoughts. One moment, I’m feeling on-top of the world, and then suddenly feel overwhelmed thanks to swirling thoughts that soon become brain clutter. You know exactly what I’m talking about, right?...
As we move towards fall, life just picks up the pace. Kids are back to school and the holidays are coming. I see a common thread running through the lives of clients, friends, and family members alike: an overwhelming task list with not enough time to accomplish it....
Just because the old adage tells us that life is about the journey doesn’t mean most folks reflect that bit of wisdom. Instead, we focus on the end result of what we desire rather than honoring the process. We look to big dates on our calendar – the vacation, the...
As we approach a brand new year, you may be thinking about setting New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, even if they’ve all “failed” in years past. Most folks are ready to ditch the resolutions because they don’t feel they will find success, so why...
I’m a big believer in the value of gaining clarity in your life. Here in the blog you’ll find tips and strategies to help you do that. Like clearing physical clutter in your world to help you gain mental clarity. What I realized I hadn’t shared with you, though, was...