In these unprecedented times, many parents are struggling with the thought of homeschooling their children. And this is particularly daunting for those who have to work at home at the same time. Taking on the role of their teacher, you need to ensure that they are still productive, motivated and that they aren’t missing out on any core topics from the curriculum.

To help with this, here are 4 invaluable tips that you can use with homeschooling your children, no matter what grade they are in:

One – Create a Learning Space

The first thing you should do is create an area in your home for your children to focus on their learning. This should be somewhere that’s safe, away from any distractions and an area that they feel comfortable in. Away from the television or other distractions, this is a place where they can learn all of their subjects and various topics whilst feeling that they are in a school environment.

Preferably, too, you can find a space other than your child’s room. Just like you, at the end of their day of their “work day”, they have a space to escape to that isn’t associated with homeschooling.

Two – Establish a Routine

Although this might be challenging at first, once a routine is established, the homeschooling process will start to gradually get easier. Just like adults, children react well to structure. And this is essential within this period when kids can’t go to school physically.

Within this routine, you should create a learning schedule for them to follow each day. This routine won’t only include what specific topics they will focus on, but when their break and lunch times are. Mimicking their usual day at school, it will give you time to work while your kids are completing various activities.

Three – Get To Know The Core Parts of The Curriculum

This might sound scary, but it’s something that all parents will have to do during this time. Take some time to understand the national curriculum for the grade that your children are in. If you then need any assistance, you can either ask their teacher for advice or check out an online forum with other parents on.

Of course, when doing this, it is important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Keep in mind that you should primarily focus on the core subjects – Math, English and Science rather than tackling all of them.

Four – Consider What Technology and Resources You’ll Need

Homeschooling your kids effectively, there are certain types of programs and technology that you’ll need. As well as a reliable laptop/desktop, you’ll need access to applications such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Flashplayer.

In terms of resources, you’ll want to find activities that align with your child’s learning. If your children’s schools aren’t providing full curriculum for you, you have lots of options. Thankfully, there are various free online resources (such as and video tutorials on YouTube) that will help to improve their English, Math, Science, etc.

Homeschooling doesn’t have to be stressful for everyone.

Hopefully, the above 4 tips have helped to ease some of the stress of homeschooling during the Coronavirus outbreak. Just keep in mind that every parent is facing this and that you are all in it together.

Not every parent will be a natural teacher. But you are doing your best and your kids will appreciate the effort that you’re putting into it!

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