Are you feeling lost, yet that little voice inside you whispers there is more to life than this? Then the problem is often that you aren’t quite sure what you really want. Or need. In order to have a life that feels nourished.

Want to create a life you love? Then, darling, you need to get clear around what you need and what you want. Truth is, I know that’s easier said than done. Because, time after time, I hear folks say things like:

    • “I feel lost. Just, well, directionless,” she lamented.
    •  “I don’t know what I want,” he stated.
    •  “What’s wrong with me?” she asked. I just feel like something’s off.”

Darling, we all have these questions or feel this way.

When it comes to figuring out this thing called life, darling, sometimes we just need a little help.

When you feel lost, most likely you’re spending a lot of time doing things you think you should do. Trust me, darling, I grew up on a liberal diet of what good girls should do in order to be loved and accepted.

You see, the deepest recesses of our heart know what we really desire. The problem is we’ve trained ourselves to listen to all the clutter in our heads over the voices of our heart (and our gut)

Speaking of clutter in our heads, did you know that’s part of why you may not be able to zero in on what you want? Our minds are meant for having ideas, not holding them. So, when we don’t  talk things out or get them down on paper, we’re stuck with swirling thoughts.

The best ways I know to combat that brain clutter is to regularly do a brain dump.

A brain dump is exactly what it sounds like. Grab a stack of note cards (or a blank sheet of paper), set a timer for five minutes, and write down every single thought that’s swirling around in your brain.

This isn’t about writing a to-do list. Oh no, darling, it’s about gaining clarity around what’s plaguing you.  Why I personally use 3×5 note cards is so that I can organize all my thoughts into actionable items, future projects, or ritualistically tear them up!

As to the final question I hear so often, darling, there is not a damned thing wrong with you.

Feeling lost or unsure is a sign that your heart knows there is more for you. You are not broken. You do not need fixed. What’s really going on when you feel like something is amiss? Your daily life doesn’t nourish you.

Darling, you do not have to go through live simply surviving. You can choose to live a life that feels beautiful and loving and supportive. What I do know is if you’re feeling like something is wrong, listen to your gut and get some help to get back on track to you.  You deserve to live a daily life that you love.

Because, darling, you are never completely lost. Your heart always knows the way back home to you.

Are you feeling lost or unsure? Clearing Brain Clutter can help!When you’re feeling lost or unsure you may not know where to start.

Not sure where to start? Though I would never promise you that you’ll get overnight results, I can tell you that you’ll get there faster with some help. If you want a gentle self-inquiry, get my 30 Day Guide to clear your brain clutter….

From the 30 Days to Clarity Series: Clearing Brain Clutter: Discovering Your Heart’s Desire

Now Available in Paperback

With a collection of 30 intriguing exercises, Clearing Brain Clutter: Discovering Your Heart’s Desire helps you to peel away everything that gets in the way of your truest, deepest desires. By doing the work right inside the book, you’ll learn to create a life that’s more resonant with “the real you” than anything you’ve previously experienced. In short, you’ll forever change your life for the better.

>>Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle<< .

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