As I write you this love note, the Thanksgiving leftovers have been put away. And we’re still too full to have our pie. I wanted to do a quick check of my email, mainly because I know if I don’t, my inbox is is going to stress me out. Yes, thanks to...
Would it surprise you to hear that the sometimes the thing holding you back from being happy is YOU? No, I’m not saying that you are deliberately trying to be unhappy. What I’ve learned from experience and from my clients is that a lack of self-confidence interferes...
Last week I shared a little history of my personal experiences with journal writing, including the time my mother found and destroyed all the journals I’d kept from childhood through college. Even if you haven’t been in the exact same situation, I’m...
It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating a new year, yet here we are halfway through the year. For those of us in the United States, the 4th of July Holiday celebrating Our Nation’s Birth and independence marks the down-slide side of summer. So let me ask: are...