Keys remain one of the most common access control mechanisms in the modern world. They’ve been around for literally thousands of years, and don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

It’s one thing to look after your house keys, but when it comes to managing a large number of keys in a business context, managing who has access to those keys becomes a whole security problem of its own.

Electronic key management systems are a popular way of dealing with this issue – let’s take a quick look at some of the primary benefits.

Enhanced access control

One of the main benefits of electronic key management systems is their ability to enhance access control. With key cabinets from Traka, you can ensure that employees are only given access to keys that they’re supposed to have.

By tracking which code was used to get a key out, you always know who is in possession of a key at any point in time. This makes access control far easier, especially compared to less structured or organized approaches.

Asset tracking

Keys aren’t necessarily that expensive, but they remain an important asset nonetheless. This is especially applicable if you don’t have multiple copies of the key, with the lack of redundancy making it far more important that you know where the key is at any point in time.

With electronic key management systems, the key will often be attached to an electronic tag, making it incredibly simple to know whether it’s in the cabinet or not. It’s a lot easier to keep tabs on where the keys are, and to locate who has access to your potentially expensive assets.


In some contexts, these kinds of key management systems can also make regulatory compliance a lot more manageable. If you have to be able to track and audit who has access to certain spaces, machines or other controlled items, an electronic key management cabinet can be massively useful in facilitating this kind of tracking.

You’ll be able to access the data at the click of a button, rather than having to sift through piles of paper records or disjointed notes. Not only does this make compliance easier, but it also makes it a much more efficient process.

It’s scalable

Lastly, with a lot of electronic key management systems, you’ll get a flexible and easily scalable solution. Whether you buy a large cabinet that you don’t fill totally at first, or you go with a smaller, more modular system that you can add to over time, you don’t have to worry about investing in a system that you’ll one day outgrow.

It’s worth taking the time to think about your approach to key management sooner rather than later.

Getting a system in place that really works is far more effective if you do it at the very beginning. It’ll mean everything simply slots into place from the get-go, rather than having to transfer from your old system to your new solution.

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