The new normal has presented us with many new challenges and situations, one of those challenges is how to teach children from home in a home school setting. There are many ways to approach homeschooling, some are more effective than others – here are some things to try
If your family is still doing distance learning. Or, based on your experiences have made the decision to try home schooling rather than a return to the classroom. It’s important that you, as their parent, understand that you can help set things up for better success.
Here’s five tips for a more successful home schooling experience for you and your child.
One – Create a set routine
Children respond to the environment they are brought up in, if it’s one that has no routine or boundaries it can lead to patterns of behavior that are non-productive. Unfortunately, these patterns, instilled at a young age, tend to persist into adulthood, so create an effective routine.
The new normal is fraught with issues, home working issues and time management issues are top of the list, but there are some benefits, for one thing, the school run is a lot shorter. Try to start the day at 9 am as usual and finish at 3 with regular breaks in between for downtime.
Two – Manage their learning
Home education takes many forms these days. There is the classic set-up where a parent takes on the role of teacher, and there are others where a parent or guardian oversees the teaching day that takes place mainly online, in the form of ed-tech learning from ABCmouse.
Ed-tech learning has been around for some time now but in the wake of the pandemic, it has accelerated in popularity and innovation. ABC Mouse is an award-winning technology for young learners at home with activities, support, and a well drawn-out learning pathway to success.
Three – Give them responsibility
One of the best ways to learn is through interaction, which is why it’s a useful practice to give your students some solid time in the teacher’s role. Studies show that people learn in different ways, some prefer audio stimuli, while others prefer visuals. But complete immersion is best overall.
Instead of you standing in front of them all day or them watching a screen for hours, switch things up, review the curriculum and choose an interesting topic, now instruct the student to work on the topic for an hour and return with a presentation. A fun interactive way to learn.
Four – Take an Interest
Subjects in the classroom might seem boring, especially to children who have to be there and do what they’re told, but in reality, any subject is interesting if you dig deep enough or find the right angle for it. This is one way to grab the interest of students and stimulate their curiosity.
But it’s not just finding a unique angle on the topic that creates interest, it’s also the teacher’s personal interest in the topic. When a teacher displays non-interest through body language or speech it has an effect on the student and the teaching potential, so find your enthusiasm.
Five – Train the brain
When we went through the school system we were taught what to learn, but we weren’t always taught how to learn it. Nowadays, we recognize the importance of training the brain in certain ways to support learning, memory techniques for instance, and activity to light up the grey cells.
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