There’s plenty of advice on how to effectively make a career change available. However, what about the question of what that career change is actually going to be? How do you know what direction is right for you? Like everything in life this can be both simple and complicated. That’s why I wanted to share some considerations when it comes to making better career choices.

One – Work That Engages You

What does it really mean to be engaged in your work? It means that you’re not just there mindlessly carrying out the same tasks time and time again, but that you have clear goals, the freedom to meet them in the way that best suits you, and some variety in your work. Management training can help you find the kind of engaging work that ticks some of those boxes.

Two – A Field That Interests You

“Follow your passion” is an oversimplification. A lot of people have a passion that isn’t going to pay without serious work. However, if you have a genuine interest in a lucrative field, you should start looking for opportunities to get into it. A clear example is those with a life-long enthusiasm for fitness taking the time to earn an online personal training certification. Passion isn’t enough, you need to be able to find a straight line between your passion and your ability to monetize it.

Three – Value in What You Do

You can like the field that you work in, but if you don’t value your own work, the appeal will wear off. Careers that help others, such as the fitness approach mentioned above, are a good example of the kind of value you want to find in your work.

Four – Work That You’re Good At

Your education and training might dictate the skills that you have right now, but that doesn’t mean that they are going to dictate what kind of work you are likely to be good at. Career aptitude tests can genuinely be helpful in discovering the underlying qualities and strengths that you can bring to your work, which can help you narrow down precisely where you are best suited to work within your chosen field or industry.

Five – A Fit for Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle has become increasingly important due to the advent of digital technology and the fostering of remote working that it has directly led to. If you need to find flexible jobs, there are now sites that can help you do that directly. Other people might choose work that doesn’t tick one of the above boxes, but that’s usually only a good fit if you’re able to meet those needs in other ways, such as finding value in volunteering efforts or supporting a hobby you have a genuine interest in.

If your would-be career change doesn’t fit the criteria above then you need to think about what you can do to make it fit. It’s best to take the time to prepare and make sure your ducks are at least partially in a row before you launch into a career change.

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>>Read more Career Advice from a Life Coach that’s Reinvented Herself Multiple Times<<

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