Want to know what I’m hearing a lot this month? Folks just aren’t in the holiday spirit. It’s been a tough year. And the holidays are making it even rougher. Because, not only have they fallen away from regular routines. The old traditions that used...
More times than I care to count, I’ve been told how lucky I am to have such a good life. And trust me, I know how incredibly blessed I am. I’m in a great relationship, love my work, and am overall a happy gal. Yet, what gives me pause is the tone used....
Just because the old adage tells us that life is about the journey doesn’t mean most folks reflect that bit of wisdom. Instead, we focus on the end result of what we desire rather than honoring the process. We look to big dates on our calendar – the vacation, the...
The year I stopped making resolutions was also the year I stopped giving things up for Lent. That year, I spent regular time at a Buddhist Monastery in order to learn to meditate. As a life coach, though I know we can’t separate our bodies from our mind nor our souls....
One of the modules in my Finally Love Your Life course has to do with aging. And though the module focuses on the choice to soften into aging rather than becoming more bitter, there is an underlying question of caring for yourself as you get older. Here’s some...
If you want to love your life, it’s important that you learn how to spend time alone. Even if you’re in the healthiest of relationships, learning to enjoy your alone time allows you to be a better person in all of your relationships. That’s because...
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we just passed the official beginning of Autumn. I spent the first forty-years of my life in Texas, where the seasonal changes present with a notation on the calendar. Now, living in the Midwest, I am blessed to experience Mother...