If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that clutter and untidy spaces stand in the way between who we are today and who we truly long to be. That’s why one of the first things I ask a client about is what their environment is like. Because you can make life blossom by decluttering. It’s like alchemy.

And who, my dear, couldn’t use a little alchemy in their life?

Everywhere I look on social media, especially on Instagram, I’m seeing how spring is springing everywhere. Daffodils and tulips are blooming, the flowering trees have beautiful blossoms, and spring showers are, well, showering. I find myself embracing fresh breezes, admiring early and delicate blooms, and longing for the first local asparagus.

When spring arrives, I think about spring cleaning. And how it’s the perfect reminder to make life blossom by decluttering.

At home, you’ll find me embracing some true spring rituals.  Opening the windows to allow fresh air to bathe the house with the freshness of spring as it replaces the cooped up smells of winter.  Placing cut flowers in vases all over the house to bring in some brightness.  And cleaning nooks and crannies, like the fridge and the baseboards.

Best of all, it’s time to drag the lawn chairs out of the basement and put ‘em on the porch so we can enjoy the beauty of the earth as it comes alive.

De-cluttering your physical space is the perfect beginning to nourish the bloom of spring within your heart and home. It also brings me an amazing peace of mind and boosts my productivity and creativity!

Make life blossom by decluttering. Here are twenty spectacular reasons why.

  1. As you prepare for a new season, cleaning and de-cluttering  allows your soul to shift.
  2. Everyone living in your home can more easily make the transition to a new season when living a a clean space. That means you can make life blossom by decluttering for not just you, but your whole family.
  3. Decluttering, cleaning, and refreshing your physical space helps dissipate the winter blues.
  4. Everything has energy and you can renew your energy by removing excess.
  5. Pockets of clutter distract you from living your best life.
  6. Life crystallizes when your physical space is in order. That’s another important reason you can make life blossom by decluttering.
  7. In order to make space in your life for the new and brilliant to come in – you have to release the old and crusty.
  8. You begin to fall in love with your life when you home is a space in which you can relax.
  9. When your surroundings are serene, your soul will be able to create. And that means creating a life that feels loving and nourishing.
  10. Every time you open a drawer and have to look for something, your mind refocuses.  It turns to the task of finding scissors and distracts you from writing that chapter of your book, that blog post, that sales letter or the perfect line of a song
  11. When energy is consistently flowing out to things that don’t really matter or to things that distract you, you have to play tricks in order to get by.  You have to “get more” things to keep your energy up. And that, my dear, just makes you feel more overwhelmed and exhausted.
  12. It’s challenging to live your best life when you are surrounded by too much stuff.
  13. A clean house provides a better environment for reading, thinking and dreaming.
  14. Cleaning is good exercise.  The physical removal of excess items in your life – old computers, clothes that don’t fit, and unused appliances – is even better exercise. So, getting your sweat on is another way you can make life blossom by decluttering and spring cleaning.
  15. Having an organized, sanitized, sparkling clean kitchen can help you make healthier eating choices. That, paired with meal planning, helps you not just make life blossom, but meet your health-related goals.
  16. Deep cleaning your home frees it from mold, mildew, dust and bugs. Another health-related reason to spring clean and declutter.
  17. As you spring clean your home, you can make a list of repairs that need to done. Clearing up all those undone tasks frees up immense mental space.
  18. Cleaning out your closet gives you an opportunity to evaluate what you need for summer.  You want to flaunt your style!
  19. It’s easier to connect to your heart – instead of being distracted by mess and clutter.
  20. Socializing with friends is easier when you don’t have to hustle and bustle to clean your house for company.  When you want to throw a party, you’ll just need to give the house a lick and a promise.
See why I know that spring cleaning and decluttering are like alchemy?

And, now that you know how you can make life blossom, aren’t you ready to make magic happen i your world?  Because tending your environment helps you cut the distractions and focus on what really matters: living and loving your life.

Now that you know you can make life blossom by decluttering, how about we do that together?

Make Life Blossom by Decluttering !Each day of the program, you’ll get an inspirational note with a task designed to take 30 minutes or less.

Together, we will get things streamlined, de-cluttered, and organized in small, steady doses.   We’ll also tackle some hidden spaces for some bonus Spring Cleaning Action!  This approach allows us to slowly add routines and build a momentum of organization, without the exhaustion at the end.  It also adds to – instead of draining – that precious energy.

Join me for 30 Days to Clarity: Clutter Busting Edition

2019 Course Dates:

  • Welcoming Spring: Beginning Sunday, April 14, 2019
  • Before the Holidays: Beginning Sunday, October 20, 2019

(*Note: As of 2018, this course is lifetime access. That means, you’re IN at no additional cost anytime the class runs.)

Course Investment: $21.

Purchase Clutter Busting Email Course

Click here to read more inspiring tips for Decluttering Your Home

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