I know that there are those rare moments when you feel confident that you’ve got this. You know, this thing called life. In all honesty, though, those moments of confidence are rare and fleeting. All the moving pieces seem to be just too much. You’re stressed out, exhausted, and dare we say it? You just want to know why. Why are you overwhelmed so much of the time?

Oh, darling: I get it. There are so many moving pieces to the average day.

Getting the kids to school. And yourself to the office on time. Ensuring that your folks are eating and getting to all their doctor’s appointment. Making a solid attempt to get a (healthy) meal on the table. Hoping for a little romance…or at least sex a couple of times a month. And still, with all of these responsibilities, you find a few moments here and there to work on a side-gig.

Are you overwhelmed just reading the above paragraph?

When down in “black and white” you can begin to understand why you’re flirting with burnout on a regular basis. Life can feel super challenging

I want you to know that I see how hard you’re working to keep it together. And though you may be feeling stressed out and exhausted on the regular, you are managing things better than you think you are. There are so many things you can do – both big and small – to better manage what overwhelms you.

The number one thing to do when you are overwhelmed is commit to doing less. And one of the best ways I know to do this is to apply the rule of three to help you tame the chaos.

How the “Rule of Three” works. Following it helps if you are overwhelmed

    • Create your to-do list for the coming week. You can complete this as you normally would or, if you want more oomph, take pen to paper.
    • Transfer each major task on your list to a 3 x 5 index card. Yes, the cards you used in high school for that research paper.
    • When you transfer your tasks, be sure and break down larger tasks into actionable steps. Again, only one actionable step per card.
    • Before you go to bed each night, choose no more than three cards to complete the next day.
    • This rule of three allows you to harness your focus and energy.
    • If you complete all three of those tasks, you can add one more if you have bandwidth.
    • No matter what, you end each day feeling successful and accomplished.

Why the rule of three works when you are overwhelmed.

Part of what makes us feel overwhelmed is our thoughts run amok. And, those thoughts of ours can create our reality. When you reach the end of your tether and feel as if you cannot manage one more moment of your out of control life?

You hold onto those three note cards and remind yourself that all you need to do is the next card.

That’s it. The tasks on those cards is your big three for the day. And nothing else matters. This tricks your brain into believing that thought. And having that thought tames the stress. And when you feel as if you might just shatter from the weight of the stress?

Holding onto the reminder that the only thing that needs to be done is the task on the next card can save you. Mind and soul. It allows you to channel your precious attention and get clear about what’s important.  And clarity, my dear, will always be in style.

Are you overwhelmed? Use this rule of three to help you tame the mental chaos. And relieve some of your stress.

Are You Overwhelmed?
Maybe you need some one-on-one support.

If you are seeking practical advice, coaching may be the answer.


>>Want to learn more about how to deal with feeling burned out and overwhelmed? Click here for more articles!<<

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