Most people think of happiness as something that happens to them and not something they choose. Studies show that only 10% of our happiness depends on our life situation, the other 90% depends on us to make it happen. So, if you want to love your life choosing to make...
Though it may be a little politically incorrect, I believe that all women have an Inner Sex Kitten inside of them. You may pooh-pooh this idea as silly, crazy or sexist. But let me tell you something, darling: my personal experiences as well as well as the results my...
Sometimes we get into ruts or blah moods that make us become grey clouds. While you always hope these moods are fleeting, they sometimes stick around and make getting through the days a bit tougher. And while we know we won’t feel like this forever, there are ways to...
You have an epiphany and it isn’t a happy one: it’s that moment when you’re standing neck deep in awareness and you just can’t ignore any longer. Maybe you’re at a routine visit to the doctor, when you’re presented with the blood test results that tell you...
If there’s one thing I know well it’s that the desire to live a more nourishing life doesn’t always align with taking the actions necessary to do so. It isn’t as if you don’t want life to be just a little better, you want life to be...
When it comes to pursuing our happiness, one of the biggest barriers to actually BEING happy is our inability to focus on the here and now. We worry about the past. We focus on the unknown in the future. Our minds slip away from what’s happening and slides down the...
Let’s be honest: most of us have a love/hate relationship with social media. There’s no doubt it’s here to stay and there’s no question in my mind that what we see in our various feeds influence us. We want to be a part of the social media landscape whether it’s...