When 2010 began, I believed it would end up being my worst year ever: my personal life was in shambles, work was stressful, and my mom had been diagnosed with cancer. Even though I had a several-years-old practice of choosing a word of the year as my focus, with all...
The holiday season is upon us and if you’re anything like me you know what that means? Delicious holiday foods! For many people, food is the center of joyful celebrations, sweet memories, and, of course, comfort. That said, though, there can be a downside to all...
To say that the last year was different is an understatement. Most of the women I talk to confess to throwing most of their self-care out of the window due to demands on managing their families, their homes, and their work during the pandemic. And, darling, it’s...
There’s no other way to describe this year than challenging. And though the outside world needs us to take a stand about what we believe in, everything really begins from within. What I know to be true, though, is in order to shift in any way, we have to do...
For most of us in the United States, we are more than thirty days into our quarantine time due to the Coronavirus Crisis. For people who are basically healthy, the challenge is monotony and boredom. And focusing on the problem can add to anxiety levels. In order to...
I don’t know about you, but I love listening to Podcasts. Especially when I’m taking a walk or tidying up the house. It’s a great way to learn to things, feel inspired, and finding new voices of wisdom. So, I was super thrilled to be invited by...
The arrival of a new year never fails to fill me with an excited anticipation. While I’m a big believer that every day, or truly every moment, is an opportunity to start fresh, there’s something mystical about going through the threshold as one year becomes the next. ...