I hear from women all the time who are under such constant stress and strain that they are flirting on the edges of burnout. They are managing family responsibilities, work tasks, and have so little white space in their lives that they have lost sight of who they are....
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we just passed the official beginning of Autumn. I spent the first forty-years of my life in Texas, where the seasonal changes present with a notation on the calendar. Now, living in the Midwest, I am blessed to experience Mother...
If there’s one thing I understand it’s how attractive all those big goals and desires can be. So many ideas! So many big dreams! And that’s the rub, isn’t it? Right alongside all those amazing ideas? Deciding which goal to pursue. So what’s a super effective process...
The transition from 2013 to 2014 was different for me. I had evolved light-years from where I was a decade ago, yet knew that there would still be many more miles to go before I took my final sleep. I wanted to more fully occupy who I am on a daily basis. I wanted to...
If you’ve been around the field of self-development for long, you’ll begin to notice the encouragement to go for BIG. It’s exhilarating and scary when you begin to dream big. (I use the word “dream,” but for my corporate friends, we can say “set big goals”.)...