We are called to make dozens (and dozens) of decisions each day. Many of those decisions we make on autopilot because we make them so often: like what to wear or what to have for lunch. We find our best way to approach any challenge based on all of our previous...
Whether you admit it to yourself or ignore the fact, know this: the choices you make each and every day lead to you either making your life happier. Or not as happy. Yes, my dear, I know reading this out loud sounds overly dramatic. Yet, like with anything in life,...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that happiness is often a choice. Yes, I know that life can be and feel challenging. And I am also quite aware that making the decision to be happy can feel not just lackluster, but practically impossible. Yet,...
If there’s one thing I have learned, it’s this: when you love your life, it will love you right back. While I say with a light heart (and a bit tongue in cheek) I also know it to be true. The key to making it work for you lies in the power of your mind....
I had two clients break down into tears this last month over how overwhelmed they’re feeling. Mile long to do lists that seem never ending. Too many responsibilities with no ability to delegate or even defer much. Feeling on the edge of not just burnout, but a...
Sometimes, darling, making decisions is hard. We run up against a big choice — a job change or a move— and suddenly feel lost. It isn’t just the big decisions that we can struggle with. When we get tired and overwhelmed, our brains short-circuit, and the next...
I believe that confession is good for the soul, so here’s a personal confession: I have some big goals this year around my writing, yet the first quarter of 2013 was spent with me being a gypsy. Now, while I have a gypsy soul when it comes to the exploration of my...