singIt seems like only yesterday we were celebrating a new year, yet here we are smack dab in the middle of the year. Hello, July!  And one of the laments I hear from clients is they feel we’re half-way through the year, yet they haven’t made enough progress on any of their desires for the year.

It can be easy to just throw in the towel and say all kinds of mean things like “you never do manage to meet your goals” or “may as well give up until next year”. So often, people complain that their New Year’s resolutions and big goals rarely make it beyond February. It’s easy to listen to that inner critic when this happens.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Each and every moment, you get to start fresh. I know that can be easier said than done, so all month in the blog I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks to reignite your passions towards your desires along with ways to actively make it happen.

What I’ve learned is that sometimes, our lives flow differently from the calendar.

We are fast approaching the summer solstice, which is a spectacular time to begin fresh with the “Three R’s”. No, not the ‘riting, ‘rithmatic, and reading. I’m talking about reflection, reevaluation, and rededication.

Because, baby, you deserve to bring your desires into your reality. All of those desires, by the way. Those big dreams and audacious goals and those seemingly ordinary desires. And how to bring those to the forefront of your daily life.

The first R is “Reflection”.

Though living a contemplative life is fabulous for so many people I know, it isn’t the best approach for everyone. Sometimes, life is moving fast and we just need the invitation to slow down and reflect. So, how is life treating you, darling?  Begin diving in by asking yourself some questions.

    • What’s clicking for you?
    • How are the people in your life enhancing it?
    • Are their folks in your life that are weighing you down?
    • In what ways are you feeling engaged and fully alive?
    • What do you do that makes your gloriously happy?
    • Are there areas of your life that you are simply tolerating?
    • What do you need in order to feel more nourished in your daily life?
    • Are you celebrating yourself, your life, and your accomplishments?
    • What’s the most fun you’ve had so far this year?

Don’t just answer these questions in your head, write them down. Writing allows you to process and look back on your answers a little more logically. I also spend some time meditating around my word of the year (aka guiding light, touchstones, or theme song).

The second R is “Reevaluation”.

After you’ve done some reflection, then it’s time to reevaluate your focus. And perhaps revisit your Word of the Year. This is how  you take your reflection just a little further.

Does your Word of the Year still fit who you are in this moment?

    • What do you desire to create?
    • And speaking of desire, what do you really desire to DO?
    • Who do you long to BE?
    • What experiences do you want in your life but haven’t made space for this year? (Or possibly ever)
    •  Are the goals you’ve set for yourself still feel like they belong to you? Or did you set them based on thinking others would see you as “cool” ?
    • Did you dive into a new activity or hobby that you just don’t really like?
    • Is it possible you pooh-poohed a simple desire because it seemed too “small”?
    • What do you need to shed or add?
    • How can you make your soul sing?
    • What one thing would you like to achieve in the coming months?

Like I mentioned before, taking pen to paper can help!

The third R is “Rededication”

Darling, it’s time to become devoted to yourself, which means giving your desires your love and attention. Treat your dreams the way you would a new lover. Commit to at least one thing you want to create, do, be or have. Then, shower that with your precious focus and attention.

Don’t forget that even small, tiny steps can create long and lasting change.

Darling, I believe that you can create a daily life that you love. One that feels loving and nourishing and bigger than you thought was possible.

Creating a life you love is about the big things, like a creating a vision. And a life you love is served by setting goals and choosing a word of the year for your focus.  And it’s also about the little things, like morning coffee on the deck and holding hands while you take a stroll. You deserve a life filled with everyday magic.

Choose yourself. Remember your deepest desires get to be priority. It’s time to create a life you love, kitten.

Next week, I’ll be back to share some ways to bring your biggest dreams and your most sacred ordinary desires into your daily living. For this week, though, give yourself the permission to jump off a cliff of faith towards those big audacious goals and those sweet desires.

Sometimes You Need Help Creating a Life You Love

Do you desperately need support around your crazy-busy life?

Are you seeking practical advice? Someone to talk through potential pitfalls and solutions?

I have space for two new clients this summer. You can find details about packages and pricing here.

Drop me an email at: debra AT and we’ll schedule a call to see if we’re a good fit.

Needing more practical advice and tips to deal with feeling burned out and overwhelmed? Click here for more inspiring articles.


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